Surveys for schools

Ruth has developed tools that help you assess the health and wellbeing of your students and school.

Zark Surveys enable schools and organisations to be well-informed. Armed with up-to-date and relevant data, you can make assessments and decisions that are evidence-based. You can develop local solutions that work for your students, in your community.

With today’s emphasis on evaluation and accountability, Zark Surveys is a secure site, developed to help you implement very small to very large scale research. The survey results are provided to you in multiple formats and are easy to analyse. You can also conduct cross-sectional or longitudinal studies.

Zark Surveys allows you to conduct research that

  • allows you to make use of sound evidence to inform policy and practice;
  • supports you to continually improve the services you provide; and
  • is based on respect, responsibility, integrity, beneficence and justice.


  1. If you have a goal to increase student engagement or decrease early school leaving, The Career and Transition Survey can help you to identify those students most at risk, establish interventions and then measure your success.
  2. If your goal is to increase safety and build a positive and supportive culture within your school, then The Health and Wellbeing Survey will help you maximise your effectiveness in helping students cope with conflict and bullying.
  3. If your goal is to evaluate programs you deliver or the effectiveness of those programs within your school or organisation, then use the The Post Program Evaluation Survey
  4.  If you want to assess your students’ self-efficacy, or perceived self-efficacy, over time then The General Self-Efficacy Survey is the right tool to use.

If you would like Ruth to develop a customised survey to address your unique goals, then please contact Ruth now to discuss how she can help you.